I love food! I guess that simply sums up my obsession with food. Growing up with the whole philosophy of having only two choices when it came to food – take it or leave it, quickly made it clear which choice I opted for and pave the way for my current love affair with food. The saying, I live to eat is perhaps an understatement and is something that my friends would agree to as well. For me food is more than just something that you eat for nutrition to fuel the body and it grinds my bones when I hear people refer food as just being that, something that you just shove down the hatchet and forget about it. For me, food and all its related facets is perhaps one of the greatest things in life. Everyone, and I mean everyone, should know how to cook. No, reheating ready-to-eat meals or takeaways don’t count. I mean cooking a meal from scratch. However daunting the task might seem at first, once you have broken it up into small manageable bits, take the first plunge and move your way through the process, the satisfaction and adrenalin rush you get after you see the end product and get to taste it, makes it all worth it and believe you me, you will be hooked on to it.
To be able to cook properly and enjoy food is perhaps one of the most important skills one can ever learn. Trust me, if you really want to know what the ultimate asset in the art of diplomacy is, its food. I reckon, if all the current issues in the world could be rationalised over food, and I mean good food, not just any crap, the United Nations (UN) would soon be out of a job and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) would soon be the most dominant body within world politics.
So why a blog? Well, the blog is more a personal thing rather than an attempt in food literature ala 21st century. I seriously want to share my enthusiasm and passion for food with other people and hope that through this journey a few mindsets can be educated and influenced, including mine to what good food should and is all about. Hopefully during then, a farmers market is no longer a weekend affair and a chic place to be seen to shop at but rather the standard where you can touch, feel, smell and interact with purveyors of good food, far from the sanitised aisles of the supermarket. Don’t get me wrong supermarkets are good for what they are and I am not about to go and diss the whole lot for our food culture. They only are what they are because of the way we are. So if there is anyone that needs to be pulled up for our food miseducation or lack of, its us. This is a journal, a recollection of my food adventures both past and present. Along the way I hope to excite, debate and encourage food discussion both amongst food lovers and novices.
So with an open mind and an empty stomach (thank you Iron Chef America) and my personal motto, will eat anything, let the adventure begin...